Rudolph – Density Meters


    DKSH (Cambodia) Ltd.
    GIA Tower, Floor 39A, Street Sopheak Mongkul,
    Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkar Mon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

    +855 87 887 883


Density Meters for Chemical, Petroleum, Pharmaceutical, Petro-Chemical, and Beverage Labs The Rudolph Density Meter product lines are ideal for both research and production work across many industries including Chemical, Petroleum, Pharmaceutical, Petro-Chemical, and Beverage. Having great experience serving these markets for decades Rudolph has incorporated the features you need for both production and research applications.

Available Models

Technical specifications
Measurement rangesDensity: 0 to 3 g/cm³
Temperature: 15°C to 60°C (controlled via Peltier)
Pressure: 0 to 10 bars
Measurement modesContinuous, Single, Multiple
Measurement techniqueMechanical Oscillator Method
AccuracyDensity: 0.0002 g/cm³ with a single calibration at the measurement temperature
Density: 0.0003 g/cm³ with a single calibration and measurement through multiple temperatures
Temperature: 0.05°C

The Rudolph DDM 2909 Automatic Density Meter features built-in Peltier Temperature Control of the Sample, Full Range Viscosity Correction, Reference Oscillator and VideoViewTM for easy bubble detection, and is fully GMP/GLP Compliant. With the flexibility of Windows the DDM 2909 is Network ready with Internet connectivity allowing remote access to Rudolph Research Analytical’s Service and Technical Support Team.

The 2909 comes complete with 20 Density to concentration tables which include Brix, Alcohol, API, and many various laboratory reagents. An unlimited number of additional tables, polynomials, and formulas may be added.

Technical specifications
Measurement rangesDensity: 0 to 3 g/cm³
Temperature: 0°C to 95°C (controlled via Peltier)
Pressure: 0 to 10 bars
Measurement modesContinuous, Single, Multiple
Measurement techniqueMechanical Oscillator Method
AccuracyDensity: 0.0001 g/cm³
Temperature: 0.05°C

DDM 2910 – Digital Density Meter (Densitometer) is designed to meet the requirements of your laboratory applications in Chemical, Petroleum, Pharmaceutical, and Beverage industries.

Technical specifications
Measurement rangesDensity: 0 to 3 g/cm³
Temperature: 0°C to 95°C (controlled via Peltier)
Pressure: 0 to 10 bars
Measurement modesContinuous, Single, Multiple
Measurement techniqueMechanical Oscillator Method
AccuracyDensity: 0.00005 g/cm³
Temperature: 0.02°C

The Rudolph DDM 2911 Laboratory Density Meter is one of our most capable instruments offering a wide measurement range, highest accuracy, and the on-board range methods and electronic data tracking required in the most demanding laboratories in the world. The DDM 2911 is highly recommended for high level work in the Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Beverage, Fragrance, and Petroleum industries. Designed for the most demanding cGLP/GMP Laboratories the DDM 2911 Density Meter offers density accuracy to 0.00005 g/cm3. If you work in one of the following industries and need the highest level of accuracy the DDM2911 Laboratory Density Meter is a perfect choice for your lab.

Technical specifications
Measurement rangesDensity: 0 to 3 g/cm³
Temperature: 0°C to 95°C (controlled via Peltier)
Pressure: 0 to 10 bars
Measurement modesContinuous, Single, Multiple
Measurement techniqueMechanical Oscillator Method
AccuracyDensity: 0.00005 g/cm³
Temperature: 0.02°C

The Rudolph DDM 2911 PLUS, Automatic Density Meter is our most capable instrument offering our widest measurement range, highest accuracy, and the on-board range methods and electronic data tracking required in the most demanding laboratories in the world. The DDM 2911 PLUS is highly recommended for high level work in the Pharmaceutical, Chemical, and Petroleum industries.  With 0.00001 g/cm3 accuracy the DDM 2911 PLUS is an excellent choice for the Alcohol Beverage industry to measure alcohol concentration to determine alcohol Proof.

Designed for the most demanding cGLP/GMP Laboratories the DDM 2911 PLUS Density Meter offers density accuracy to 0.00001 g/cm3, Resolution: Density 0.000001 g/cm³, and Temperature Selectable to: 0.001°C

If you work in one of the following industries and need the highest level of accuracy the DDM2911 PLUS is a perfect choice for your laboratory.

Key Features

Density Meters

On-board Flexible Method Management

Factory installed density meter measurement methods allow for immediate selection of the correct method to match the most common applications. For unique density measurement applications, create a sample method using an unlimited number of Concentration Tables, Formulas, and Polynomials to match the density measurement methods used in your laboratory.

Wider Measurement Range

The Rudolph DDM2910 and DDM2911 Density Meters can measure samples from 0 degree C to 90 degree C offer temperature control to one of the widest in the industry giving you the correct temperature for your measurement application.

Full View Of the U-Tube For Effective Bubble Detection

No more straining to see small difficult-to-detect air bubbles in your sample with live on-screen viewing of the entire U-Tube. On-screen bubble detection is made possible utilizing Rudolph’s exclusive camera that allows a 2X, 6X and 10X magnified view of the entire U-Tube.


Rudolph Research Analytical

Rudolph Research Analytical manufactures automatic, digital, bench-top Refractometers, Polarimeters, Saccharimeters, and Density Meters for a wide variety of industries. With over 5,000 laboratory instruments installed in demanding applications worldwide and thousands still in use that were manufactured in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, Rudolph has established itself as a premier vendor well known for its quality, reliability, and is NVLAP certified. Rudolph has also consistently set the pace for innovative design and features that bring new and important functionality to its market leading line of refractometers.

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