Showing all 5 results

  • Foss – Digestor™ 2508 and 2520

    Free up time for other tasks with fully automated digestion. Convenient, safe and flexible operation backed by data and application logging.

    2501 Scrubber Unit

    For Kjeldahl digestions the 2501 Scrubber Unit should always be considered for safe and efficient neutralisation of corrosive gases. This replaces the water aspirator, supplied as standard.

    Exhaust manifolds

    All models are delivered with a tube rack with integrated heat shields. They should always be combined with a matching exhaust manifold designed for each Digestion Unit facilitating fume removal, or reflux head and test tubes – 100 ml, 250 ml or 400 ml volume.


    Auto systems have memory for up to 127 FOSS Applications and 127 User Applications. There are currently more than 80 FOSS applications in the CD Library supplied.

  • Foss – Grain & Oilseed Analyzer – ProFoss™ Range

    Real-time, accurate production monitoring for animal feed using in-line feed analysis directly in the process line. It is robust enough to withstand tough production environments and gives instant results for optimized production and profitability.

    Key Features

    Trend Analysis

    ProFoss™ allows you to do direct measurements in the process line, thereby effectively avoiding sampling errors and sample preparation errors. The results are shown in an intuitive graphical display, making it easy to spot variations. Because ProFoss™ is measuring every few seconds it gives a reliable picture of what is going on in the process.

    Easy Integration

    ProFoss™ can easily be connected to your LIMS or ERP system.

    Dedicated Sample Interface

    • Windows interface connected directly to the pipe
    • True in-line – no bypass – reduces waste and sampling errors
    • No moving parts
    • No carry-over effects between analyses
    • IP 65


    FossConnect™ is a centralized networking management solution for ProFoss™ that helps you reduce your production costs and secure the quality of your products. With FossConnect™, you can manage, configure and monitor your instruments remotely from any internet-enabled computer and safeguard your data for whenever you need it.

  • Foss – Grain Analyzer – Infratec™

    Solid, straightforward and reliable. Infratec™ draws on the latest advances in NIR technology, connectivity and usability. It makes the job of quality control easier and less time-consuming as a reliable cornerstone for any grain handling operation.

    Since the Infratec™ was introduced in 1987 it quickly became the benchmark for grain analysis trusted to facilitate billions of dollars worth of fair grain trade every year.



    Makes your job easier with enhanced usability. Built on advanced NIR technology for the most trustworthy results. Improves uptime with digital connectivity and support package.

    Sample type

    Barley, wheat, corn and other cereals, oilseeds, beans and pulses.


    Moisture, protein, oil, test weight, starch, wet gluten, fiber, ash and many more.

  • Foss – MilkoScan

    The MilkoScan™ FT3

    Offers a new and intelligent approach to analysis of dairy and plant-based drinks including the power to test a wide variety of liquid and semi-solid products with exceptional uptime and unprecedented consistency of results.

    The MilkoScan™ 7 RM

    A high capacity, fully automatic solution for milk composition analysis for payment and dairy herd improvement. Fast, reliable and accurate raw milk composition analysis of 17 parameters in 6 seconds. MilkoScan™ 7 RM is available as a part of CombiFoss™ 7.

  • Foss – The Mill Collection

    The FOSS Mill Collection consists of four models: the CM 290 Cemotec™, CT 293 Cyclotec™, KN 295 Knifetec™ and Hammertec™ for flexible and safe sample preparation.


    Handle a wide variety of feeds, grains, leaves for NIR or reference analysis with speed and precision. Excellent when fineness and uniformity of particle size is essential.

    Sample type

    Dry samples up to 15% moisture and 10% fat.


    Sample preparation.