Claisse – Sample Preparation – LeNeo
LeNeo fusion instrument is automatic and it has one fusion position. It is ready to use right out of the box since it is small, compact and easy to install. Its safety door is locked during the entire fusion process. It protects against heat and the automated pouring avoids the manipulation of hot vessels, thus enhancing the operator’s safety. With LeNeo instrument, optimum uptime and quick return on investment (ROI) is guaranteed.
The fact that this fusion instrument allows the easy loading of crucibles, molds and beakers, that it has over ten preset fusion programs and that is ready to use right of the box without any training makes it really easy to use. LeNeo fusion instrument is also known to enhance security for the operator since its safety door automatically locks to protect him against heat. The fully automated pouring avoids the manipulation of hot vessels.
LeNeo fusion instrument helps obtaining superior analytical performances as well as accurate and precise results. Its programmable fusion parameters ensure high fusion success rate.
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