Rudolph – Saccharimeters – Autopol Series


    DKSH (Cambodia) Ltd.
    GIA Tower, Floor 39A, Street Sopheak Mongkul,
    Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkar Mon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

    +855 87 887 883


Saccharimeters – 4 models to meet your application requirements The AUTOPOL® 589, 880, 880 Plus, and 880T Automatic Digital Saccharimeters provide 0.01°Z repeatability and accuracy, time proven measurement technology and the critical features necessary for today’s sugar analysis.

Available Models

Technical specifications
Optical wavelengthsIZ 589 nm, IIZ 589 nm, 880 nm
Wavelength selectionFixed
Measuring mode°Z (°ISS), optical rotation or user defined scale
Measuring range±89.9° Arc Optical Rotation, ± 259°Z (ISS)
Resolution0.01° Arc Optical Rotation, 0.01 °Z (ISS)

The Autopol IZ single wavelegth 589 nm saccharimeter and IIZ dual 589 nm and 880 nm wavelegth Saccharimeters from Rudolph Research Analytical provide features and accuracy that Sugar Technologists demand around the world.

Autopol IZ Saccharimeter – Perfect for 0.02º Z applications where budget is critical: This instrument is popular for sugar applications that do not require ICUMSA measurement at the 880 nm wavelegth.

Autopol IIZ Saccharimeter – For Sugar Mills that want to measure according to the ICUMSA non-lead procedure: A budget saving alternative for applications that do not require the accuracy of more expensive Rudolph Saccharimeter models.

Technical specifications
Optical wavelengths589 nm
Wavelength selectionFixed
Measuring mode°Z (°ISS), optical rotation or user defined scale
Measuring range± 89.9° Arc Optical Rotation, ± 259°Z (ISS)
Resolution0.001° Arc Optical Rotation, 0.01°Z (ISS)

The Autopol 589 saccharimeter from Rudolph Research Analytical provides the same features, measuring speed and accuracy of the AUTOPOL 880 but at the single wavelength of 589 nm.

Technical specifications
Optical wavelengthsStandard – 589 nm, 880 nm
Optional – 587 nm, 882 nm
Wavelength selectionSelectable: 2 standard, 4 optional
Measuring mode°Z (°ISS), optical rotation or user defined scale
Measuring range± 89.9° Arc Optical Rotation, ± 259°Z (ISS)
Resolution0.001° Arc Optical Rotation, 0.01°Z (ISS)

Recommended for the sugar industry, the Autopol 880 saccharimeter is a dual wavelength microprocessor based digital saccharimeter capable of measuring at both 589 nm and 880 nm. The 880 nm ICUMSA Approved near infrared wavelength allows measurement of dark sugar factory juices, while the AUTOPOL Automatic Saccharimeter Purity Mode allows simultaneous measurement and display of PURITY, BRIX and POL.

Technical specifications
Optical wavelengthsStandard – 589 nm, 88 nm
Optional – 587 nm, 88 2nm
Wavelength selectionSelectable: 2 standard, 4 optional
Measuring mode°Z (ISS), optical rotation or user defined scale, purity % sugar
Measuring range±89.9° Arc Optical Rotation, ±259°Z (ISS)
Resolution0.001° Arc Optical Rotation, 0.01°Z (ISS)

This is Rudolph’s latest and most advanced model. It was developed and tested in conjunction with labs testing pharmaceutical grade sugars. These labs require precise temperature control yet still want flow through cell type operation. For sugar trade labs and contract work that demands the best and most advanced saccharimeter in the world.

This option is only suitable for air-conditioned modern laboratories.

The 880T saccharimeter is a dual wavelength microprocessor based saccharimeter capable of measuring at both 589 nm and 880 nm. The 880 nm ICUMSA Approved near infrared wavelength allows measurement of dark sugar factory juices, while the AUTOPOL Automatic Saccharimeter Purity Mode allows simultaneous measurement and display of PURITY, BRIX and POL.

Key Features

Saccharimeters – autopol series

  • Dual wavelengths

The most important feature is the ability to measure at two wavelengths: 589 nm and 880 nm (NIR). Select 589 nm for conventional analysis using chemicals or lead clarifiers or select 880 nm for polarimetric sugar measurements in the near infrared (NIR).

  • Dilution and cell length correction

The AUTOPOL® 589, 880, 880 Plus and 880T saccharimeters provide the correct multiplier to display the reading as if the sample were prepared as a 1 normal solution in a 200 mm optical pathlength cell.

  • Automatic saccharimeter calibration
  • Automatic temperature correction


Rudolph Research Analytical

Rudolph Research Analytical manufactures automatic, digital, bench-top Refractometers, Polarimeters, Saccharimeters, and Density Meters for a wide variety of industries. With over 5,000 laboratory instruments installed in demanding applications worldwide and thousands still in use that were manufactured in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, Rudolph has established itself as a premier vendor well known for its quality, reliability, and is NVLAP certified. Rudolph has also consistently set the pace for innovative design and features that bring new and important functionality to its market leading line of refractometers.

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