Malvern Panalytical – Spectroscopy – Axios Fast


    DKSH (Cambodia) Ltd.
    GIA Tower, Floor 39A, Street Sopheak Mongkul,
    Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkar Mon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

    +855 87 887 883


  • PANalytical – Axios Fast factsheet

Do you need non-destructive analysis of chemical composition in seconds because of time-critical process control or running sample high-throughputs? With up to 28 elements measured simultaneously in concentration ranges from ppm to 100%, the PANalytical Axios FAST simultaneous WDXRF spectrometer is the ideal solution. Accurate and robust analysis, ease of operation by less-experienced staff and high uptime go hand in hand with a low cost of ownership.  

With analysis results being available in just a few seconds, the Axios FAST elemental analyzer is the ideal tool for time-critical applications and high sample throughput analysis environments. Main application areas include steel and metals alloy production as well as geological or commercial laboratories where hundreds of samples need to be analyzed every day.  

DKSH is the exclusive distributor in Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

Technical Specifications

Dimensions (W x D x H)
without covers1350 x 890 x 1092 (53 x 35 x 43 in)
with covers1410 x 920 x 1092 (55.5 x 36.2 x 43in)
Power consumption (without charger)
mains current32 A (@ 230 V, 50 Hz)
mains power7.3 kVA (@ 230 V, 50 Hz)
Cooling water8°C to 18°C (46°F to 54°F), 3.5 to 8 bar, 5 to 11/min
Compressed air4 to 5 bar
Sample handling
TypesSolid, pressed and loose powders, fused beads, liquids
HandlingAll samples are fitted in sample holders. Liquids and loose powders in disposable (P2) liquid cells, which are fitted in liquid sample holders
Dimensions51 mm ø x 40 mm height, maximum
WeightMax. 400 g (including sample holder)
Spinner0.5 rev/s
Sample chargerRemovable trays for sample cups or unmounted samples, 168 positions maximum; X-Y robotic type
Type compactFlat crystal, parallel beam collimation
Angular range10° to 100° in steps of 0.01° 2θ

Key Features

With fast sample handling and outstanding operational reliability, the Axios FAST simultaneous XRF spectrometer is the first choice for high-speed analytical control.

  • Continuous loading via turret mechanism
  • 168 position VRC sample changer, with flexible tray loading for unattended batch analysis
  • Direct loading
  • Sample barcode reader for fast, error-free sample loading and data entry
  • Simultaneous measurement of up to 28 elements, with a minimum of 2 second measurement per sample
  • High sensitivity HiPer channels for light-element analysis
  • Analytical flexibility with the option of up to 4 goniometers
  • Range of X-ray anode materials (Rh, Cr, Mo, Au) enables highest performance for specific application

Designed for process critical analysis, Axios FAST is manufactured to the highest quality standards, incorporating innovative technology to prevent and minimize downtime.

  • SST-mAX with ZETA technology – eliminating tube drift and reducing calibration maintenance
  • CHI-BLUE X-ray tube window coating for increased X-ray tube durability and corrosion resistance
  • Dust removal device removes dust from samples prior to measurement, minimizing dust entry to the system, maximizing uptime
  • Compact measurement chamber with externally mounted channels – allows unrestricted access to critical components without compromising the vacuum system -allowing rapid post-maintenance stabilization

Axios FAST operates using the latest version of PANalytical’s proven SuperQ XRF software, renowned for its highly intuitive interface and menu. Even inexperienced personnel can carry out routine analyses with a minimum of instruction, yet the software still contains the analytical power and capabilities needed to meet the most experienced users’ requirements.

Axios FAST’s dedicated software and hardware interfaces allow flexible connection to sample transport devices and host computers, for fully automated analysis. Axios FAST is also the basis of the TEAMworks (total element analyzing module) solution that combines OES and WDXRF.

PANalytical – What Do You Analyze With X-Ray Fluorescence?

Key Industries

  • Mining & Minerals
  • Powders & Pigments / Coating


Malvern Panalytical

Malvern Panalytical was formed by the merger of Malvern Instruments Limited and PANalytical B.V. on 1st January 2017, has headquarters in both Almelo (the Netherlands), and in Malvern (UK), and employs over 2,000 people worldwide. The combined entity is a strong player and innovator in the materials characterization market and will leverage the strengths of the individual companies in their end markets, ranging from building materials to pharmaceuticals and from metals and mining to nanomaterials.

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